So, I thought I would blog about my flat, my petite studio (it's really more like a room if you want to know the truth) in Vanves, France. Why? Just for memories, for my memoirs. So that I can remember that it happened if ever I am no longer here.
As of this writing, I have been living in this flat for four years. It has gone through many different looks and moods and changes with my whims.
Because it is so small, obviously, I have a limited number of options of where I can put things and how much I can rearrange the furniture.
This particular incarnation is very arty. All the walls are filled with ALL of my art. I have artworks bursting out of the ceilings even. There is no white space left. Even in the bathroom, the walls are covered with art. In the hallways, on the side of bookshelves and armoires (I have two of these) are covered in art. I even have some art piled up against the
wall with nowhere to put them.
Have I outgrown this little flat? I probably could use more space, no question. But based on the realities of my life, as far as finances, for example, I don't see anything changing anytime soon. And so for the foreseeable future, if I stay in France (that is of course always a question mark for numerous different reasons) I will have no other options but this little flat.
I love this little flat. I would buy it if I could. It is not the most convenient when I start to get 'old" and can't climb up to my bed, for example. My bed is like this bunk bed setup whereby I have to ascend steps to get to it. It is an ingenious way to save space in a small flat, but it is probably better suited to a teenager or young adult than a middle aged woman like myself. For now, being that I am such a "youthful" old gal, it is not a problem. But I can totally see that for an old woman, this is not going to be a good setup. I will need something else. Something more practique.
Like what? How about a charming little cottage? I do secretly dream of a cottage where I can have a garden. A mini little Tasha Tudor type garden. Is that in the cards for me? Let's see what develops.
For now, I do love this little flat in Vanves. I think I have created a little dream life here for myself. My little hidden cave. Where only I know the password to get in. I love it.
Below find some photos I took of my little flat in Vanves on March 31 2019.
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