Tuesday, October 30, 2018

59 Rue Rivoli and the Art of the Artgasm

59 Rue Rivoli is Truly the Ultimate Contemporary Art Space in Paris

I had never heard the expression "artgasm" before today. Indeed, I thought I was the first one to come up with it. I only went to Google it because I wanted to be absolutely pleased with myself that I am so original and I am so smart. I wanted to start this post like this: "Today, I had an artgasm." So I thought I should look it up and behold, I am not the first person to think that art can bring on some very intense emotions. What a downer! But what an upper to have found such an amazing place of pleasure!

Well, so which art brought on my first artgasm? Well, it wasn't any one particular piece. It was really the full experience. We went to this gallery after work called 59 Rivoli. It is located at 59 Rue Rivoli in Paris in a building owned by the Mairie of Paris. 
And let me tell you, this is a cool gallery. This is one of the coolest places I have ever been to in Paris. I am not exaggerating. I LOVED this place. My whole reaction to the whole thing can only described as "gasmic." And I am not a girl who is big time gasmic-prone. But this was definitely gasmic. OO la la.

There was an exhibit going on downstairs at the street level but the real charm, the real art, the real gasms are to be had upstairs. There are, in all, 3 floors to this place and each on (including the ground floor) is magnifique!  And they welcome people. They are not snobs like the ones up at Galerie Castiglione and places like that.

Turns out that for about 150 euros per month, artists can basically rent a spot in this galerie where they can work alongside other artists. I love this idea and would have done it if I were a different type of a girl. I need the solitude of a hidden little place all of my own to do my painting, I think. I would not thrive at all in this very public place where everyone can come and look at what I am doing while I am doing it. I like to have my gasms in private :)

But other than that, I can't say enough about how this place turned me on. I mean, yea. Art is sexy.

………..so what did I wear today? Nothing overly exciting. I wore this bracelet I've had since a
I was a teenager. My father bought it for me in Italy of all places, on his first and only trip to that country many years ago and I kept it all these years.
I only remembered it because last night I met up with my Italian student (he's a young engineer who wants to improve his English, giggle, giggle)  who happens to have a keen interest in art. And so this morning I thought of Italy and I thought of this bracelet, so I wore it. Everything else that I wore was just basic and boring, including black corduroys (I wore these on Sunday too when I met with Alexandre for his first English lesson), grey Uggs (it is cold and rainy) and a navy sweater. Nothing too exciting in the sartorial department but hey? I am not a fashion blogger after all.

So yea. It's good. I feel good. I bought a couple of coffee table books today as well and my collection of those is growing by leaps and bounds. I love big coffee table books but I don't really have any space to add more so hopefully I am not going to be bringing home a lot more of these. And that's it in a nutshell. My beautiful day.

And you, darling? How was your day? I hope you found at least one little thing that you felt excited and happy about even if it was just that you are breathing.

Talk soon!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday!

Hello darlings. I hope you are having a beautiful Sunday.

Mine has been a very quiet, relaxing, gentle weekend so far. I have been trying to be kind to myself and take it easy in light of my little visitor and all. (Giggle). So, I will stay in all weekend. But believe it or not, I work from home too. In fact I had two students scheduled this weekend at home. Yesterday's cancelled out at the last minute, which was probably for the best given the circumstances. But I have another one today. Let's wait and see how and if that one pans out.

So, I've been up a while, since the crack of dawn or even before that tinkering with my oeuvres. I have really surprised myself with how much I enjoy painting! OMG. I can spend hours just tinkering. I just have so many ideas for so many yet-to-be-painted canvasses!

Now I am taking a little pause and having a cup of herbal tea while I contemplate which outfit I would like to wear to meet with my student this afternoon. He's a middle-aged guy who lives a few floors up in my building. Giggle, giggle. He's just this very french, heavy accent guy which is so funny and I see him all the time in the parking lot with his teenage son and we always seem to be leaving around the same time and he always tries to talk to me. He is one of the people who always says "bonjour" to me from the very beginning when I moved in here, so he's like a friend now and so he started to ask me about English lessons.

At first I thought he wanted me to teach his teenager English but apparently the son is already bilingual because the boy's mom is from UK. The boy therefore spends a lot of time in Angleterre every year (the parents are divorced apparently) So the father is the one who wants to take lessons, which is hilarious. He will arrive around 1:00 p.m. This gives me a lot of time to finish my tea and do a little bit of work on my novel, Camille.

The question is, what should I wear? What is an appropriate outfit to wear with a serious, middle-age French guy like that, you know? I mean, I don't know the proper decorum. If it was at his office, it's easy. I can just do the corporate look. But it's at home on a Sunday. I'm crampy and bloated. What the heck should I wear???
Ok. I think I will go with this one.  It's my black corduroys, a white Zara top with a lacy sort of neckline (luv this top!) a red Gucci belt (real, this time!), a pearl butterfly ring, and red boots. What do you think?

Friday, October 26, 2018

I LOVE my little monthly friend!


Alors. So where are we with this experience?

Well, I am home after a long mid-afternoon walk. I walked from my place to the American Church, tout d'abord. I had a little incident there. I go to the American Church all the time for the past seven years and sometimes I have even advertised with them and so today I went to check on my ad, which had expired, and then I needed to use the loo pretty urgently.

So I asked the front desk's permission, not thinking this would be a problem. Normally, over the past seven years or so, this has not been a problem. But there was a new girl there, an Asian girl, and she told me "sorry, I can't let you use the bathroom. It is not for the public."

Now, with all due respect I understand this girl was just doing her job. But for me, I was like, "I'm sorry, I have an emergency and this is a church. This is the American Church and I am American and I need to pee. So what do you mean by 'no'? Is this a new policy?" I just couldn't believe it.

She mumbled something incomprehensible but either I wasn't hearing her or one of us was mistaken about the urgency of the thing. Either she was mistaken by telling me that I could not use the restroom or I was mistaken for having to pee when I was not chez moi. Either way, PROBLEM!!!

So while she is talking to me about all the reasons I can't relieve myself, I said, "Look, I don't think you understand. I'm going to use the restroom, d'accord? And you can call security or whatever it is you need to do, ok? Voilà!" And I wheeled around and charged down the steps to the restroom to relieve myself (I kid you not), fully expecting the National Police of the French Republic as well as the Gendarmerie to barge in and pluck me off the toilet seat and throw me into prison for "pissing without permission" or something equally novel.  (And excuse me if I am a little bit indelicate, but I mean… how is this even possible??).

Luckily for me, the police did not arrive in time.I was quick about the whole maneuver, though it was enough time to notice that my little monthly friend had arrived on schedule. And by the time went back up, the Asian girl was on the phone, frantically talking to god only knows who. I made a quick exit to the Petit Palais to view the permanent collection for the 100th time.

Speaking of my little monthly friend. She showed up on cue, maybe a few hours tardy this month, like she always does, with a light, ethereal stain. That's all she does on day one. It is as if she is saying, "mommy, I'm here. Brace yourself for the tornado. Get all you need and hold fast." Now. If I choose to ignore her warning, it's fine. But it is at my own risk. Cause, she is a tornado! I have learned to give her her due, to let her be boss cause I have no choice. NONE. It's so funny because I only just now decided that she was my "little friend." Before, she was my "cauchmar" or "nightmare" in English. In the last year or so, I have come to dread her arrival. She is so demanding, and loud and heavy and omg, unmanageable. That for me, she is nothing but a big, fat, nightmare that I dread and hate.

But as I was walking through Paris today, thinking of all the indignities I have weathered over the years, including the most recent of being told I could not use the restroom at a church for the love of God (where by the way I have spent money advertising!), I realized that her monthly appearance and arrival is something to be proud of. She is emblematic of something so important for me to remember at this time in my life. She is a sign of my good health, first of all. And what a precious, precious gift that is.  Something I must never, ever take for granted, no matter how long I shall live. She is also a sign of resilience. My Resilience. My staying power. No matter what. There, but for the grace of God I go like so many other women who struggle in this world who struggle to survive and to LAST, every single day of their lives, in this mean world. Women who are faced each day with scorn, and mockery and disdain and exclusion and people sniffing at them as if they are garbage and so much hardship and difficulty, and still they PERSIST. They don't die. They don't shrivel into a corner and disappear. They do what they have to do. Day in and Day out.

This is what my little friend is. I know so many people who are younger than I am (or so they have told me) and they don't even get their little friend. She has long since left. And mine will leave one day too. I know. But for now, she is not ready to go. And she is demanding. And I hate the way she sometimes just EXPLODES and if I am not careful, leave tracks of her existence on my clothes even if I am in public! It's fucking horrendous what she does to me.  And she is hard to cope with. But. She is still here. And she is beautiful, not a nightmare as I have said in the past. As recently as yesterday. She is telling me something very important about myself that I must heed: you are still young! You are healthy! You are resilient! You are WOMAN hear you roar. And I am not done with you quite yet….all is possible…. I think I will do a painting in her honor pretty soon. :)

So, I left the American Church, feeling strong and resilient and able to face all the challenges and difficulties being thrown at me from every direction. When I exited the church, I left the little Asian girl was on the phone calling god knows who. She seemed frantic. I walked myself to the Petit Palais to see the permanent exhibit. There, I took a lot of pictures of paintings and sculptures which you can see on my Instagram page.

Then, I took a walk along Quai Voltaire and checked out all the art galleries. I probably had about a two-hour stroll all in all. And, OMG! I could not believe the art. When I grow up, win lotto or find a rich benefactor, I want to move to Quai Voltaire and have my won art gallery on the street level below my apartment. It was so incredible. And all the gallery patrons were so polite and welcoming: What a contrast to the experience I had had at Galerie Castiglione and the other one the other day. People actually buzzed me in to the galerie and in some cases spent a lot of time talking to me about the art.

I learned so much. Like, in one of the galleries, I learned that I want my art to be properly framed. I especially liked the framings on the exhibits at Bailly Gallery. I am now convinced that the frame does a lot for the art and is hugely important in how it is viewed commercially.  I can see that have put a lot of work and money into their frames and it does make a huge difference. I also stopped in at a few others including I-Gallery, Galerie Berés, and Galerie Antoine Laurentin where an Iranian artist's works were on display. I came home with a truckload of brochures.

After that, I came home and had a glass of Merlot with dried sausage.
And I asked God what did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful life in spite of all the difficulties and challenges and lacks he has bestowed upon my head.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oh My Gud! I just ate 32 Cookies! Intervention Please! Help Me!


OK. Okay. I am out of control. I know. I know. I know. It's not even funny, actually. I don't like this. I don't want to eat 32 cookies in one sitting which I did today. It's bad for my waistline and digestion, and it is diabetes in the making. This is the part, the diabetes part, that makes this not funny. Oh my Gud. Notice how I spell "God" with a "U". Cause, I mean, this is bad.  This requires rehab.

Why did I do this? Well, I have been abstaining from eating sugar, first of all. I no longer put it in my coffee and stuff like that. And I can go for long periods without sugar and it is REALLY amazing how flat my stomach gets when I reduce my sugar to almost zero. But then, I go on this binge. Where, like, all bets are off. I think this ungraceful fall off the wagon mostly happens at "certain times of the month" and so, voilà, you have the type of catastrophe that occurred today where I ate 32 cookies.

Oh my gud.

Oh my gud. Well, ok. I am not going to be too hard on myself for one little mistake. I am going to regroup and try again tomorrow to be a good girl who does not pig out on sweets. Meanwhile, here are some photos I took today. I wore my boots! Do you like them?

Well, what else?  Um, nothing much else is going on today. I am still painting up a storm of course. I did buy the canvass for 60 euros and I have started it and I will post it soon. This afternoon I spent some time with two of my favorite lycéens that I teach English to. You can see them above. They are so cute and I really cherish these children. I've watched them grow from little girls to young ladies in seven short years. It is amazing. It really is. They have become a part of my life in Paris. So, voilà.

Well, bon. I'm going to go do a bit more painting, and then some writing, and then and see how else I can be productive for the rest of the day. The novel is coming along nicely. I thought I was at the end but then I realized its too short. I only have 186 pages. This is not a novel it is a novella. So I have to double the page count and I frankly don't know if I have any more I can add to it as I think it is perfect as is. But we shall see.

Darlings, I love you all! I wish you a glorious day!

Talk soon!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Don'tcha you Wish your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me, darling??

Giggle, giggle.

No, I have not had any wine.

I am just celebrating life and the fact that I am here, and I breathe and I can laugh and, you know, just enjoy all of my senses. Not everyone is so fortunate and sometimes in life, we forget our blessings which are so many! Sure, you may not be a movie star or a beautiful french girl or, heck, Halle Berry. But, you're here, darling. So you might as well celebrate that.

I did something crazy today. I went to buy myself a pair of Timberland boots  FOR A LOT OF MONEY cause I've wanted them for years and I saved up for years to get them. But. I get there to the store where they've been sitting for years and they don't have my size. Can you believe it?! They have one size up and one size down. Can you believe it?!

To me, it was a sign. I should not be spending that kind of money on boots. I am not rich. I am not a fucking teenager EXCEPT IN MY OWN MIND!!!


Get a grip, ok lady??


So, guess what I did instead like the old, responsible woman I am? I bought some knocks off at the Chinese store up the street, FOR A FRACTION OF THE PRICE AND NOW I CAN AFFORD MY SIXTY DOLLAR CANVAS BOARD so that I can work on my art and so that I don't have to go to other people's galleries so that they can make me feel like crap!

And I defy anybody to tell me I am not HOT in these puppies.

I wanna tell you!

Like I asked in the title of this post: Don'tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me, darling?
Cause she not.

So, voilà.


mwa :)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fuck you, Darlings.


Giggle, giggle. So I just got back from hopping art galleries in 75001 zip code. What snobs I encountered! It was so uncalled for, especially at this place called Galerie Castiglione, near Le Place Vendome. The exact address is 9 Rue de Castiglione.

The guy took one look at me and basically just shoo'd me out of his galerie. I don't think I looked like someone who even knows what art is never mind be able to afford it. He was so nasty. I really wanted to say "fuck you, darling!" But, I have too much class in my veins for that. My parents just raised me too well. So I smiled at him instead and said, "you're rather nice!" and I turned around and left him in his galerie. What a nasty guy! Making assumptions about people based on nothing but old stereotypes and uninformed prejudices. Ew.

The other one, Art Club Paris on 172 Rue de Rivoli, at least he did not shoo me out but it was like, "dude, relax!" Homeboy just placed himself on my tail and each step I took, he stayed on me so tight, I got a headache and I just gave up and left. I mean, I can understand the whole "shopping while black" thing in a supermarket or store because you can easily slip the item in your purse and try to run out the store without paying for it. But I can't exactly stuff this huge ass painting into my Puma sac, yo. Give me a little space to just look, for chrissakes...maybe he thought I was gonna spray graffiti all over his shit?

But yea. Funny. Giggle-funny. These people are funny. Ridiculous, but funny. Ignorant, but funny.

So after that I came home and tried not to be despondent or to cry about it or anything. In the end, a few tears dropped out but it was therapy more than anything. I wondered what it was I am getting myself into with this art business. I am a black woman! I don't see many black female artist role models out there. Art is not considered to be our turf. Not even to go to a gallery and look. It's really frightening. That you can't even be allowed, like everyone else, to view a work of art at a gallery without people making you feel bad.

But anyway. I am home again in my cocoon. I am working on five new still lifes based on some photos I took of a few dinners I recently had. All of them are hot messes.  But I am going to keep at it till they look like something. And then I am also posting another one based on a picture I took last week at Versailles.

I have recently discovered that I like a black/white palette, by the way. And charcoal. I like working with Charcoal. But it is messy as heck. But I like it. I want to do some huge ass big black and white canvasses. I already know what the first one will be. I just have to buy the canvas board and that puppy is nearly 60 euros. "Good luck with that," I told myself. I don't see when I am going to be able to spend sixty euros on one canvas board. Unless I find a billionaire benefactor or something. (Am crossing fingers as I speak).

So anyways. What about you, darling? How was your day today? I hope it was very nice and that you didn't let them keep you down. They will, you know. If you let them. DON'T LET THEM.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Nice Weekend But Now I am Tired....

How tired do you think I am right now? Scale of one to ten? If you said eleven, you would be warm. It was a nice weekend but I think I am not used to it. I am a stay at home and paint kind of a girl. All of a sudden, it's like I am starting to have this social life where people are inviting me out and I am inclined to say yes and next thing you know, I actually seem like I have a "life" and I'm taking selfies of myself and putting them up on Instagram!

I put life in quotes because I never knew what that even meant. I think I have a great life, in my quiet little cocoon where I hide from all of life's monsters. But if you are not out and about and doing what the masses are doing, they say you don't have a life, and sometimes, you start to believe them, forgetting that you are quite content with your own existence as is. Not to say you can't go out from time to time but you can't call that a "life" and dismiss your regular. It is all a part of the fabric. Stay in, going out. All of it is life. Only dead people don't have lives. And I am not even sure if that is even true anymore. For all we know, it is when the party really begins…

So, the day is done and so I can't spend too much time blogging as I have tons of things to do that I normally do on Sundays. But it was a nice day.
I met a friend in Versailles and we went to see the Louis XIV stables where they keep all the carriages from the 17th Century and beyond. It was very nice but I did not see any carriages for Marie Antoinette so I was a little disappointed. Then we had a little café and I made my way back home in the middle of the afternoon. By that time, I was hungry so I cooked myself two fish with a few Brussel sprouts and another sea creature but I don't know the name of it. I specifically bought it because it looked weird.

Did I paint today? No, not exactly. I probably won't do a new canvass till the middle of the week as I have to prioritize a few other things as I have a very busy week ahead for which I am wholly unprepared.  But I did do a few pages of Camille. I decided to make Chapter 18 into a prologue because I think it is more interesting if it comes at the beginning. I am now up to 109 pages and I gotta say, it is a little bit exciting, this story. When I'm done, I think I am going to try really seriously to get it published. It would make a great movie, I think.

And you? How was your weekend? Did you have a lot of fun?

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Garden of Eden, and then, Chapter 18 of Camille....

It is Friday again, and I am about to head out to the 7th arrondissement for a teaching gig. I spent the day painting and writing. The new painting is sort of a take on the Garden of Eden but it is set in Paris and Adam and Eve are a bit unorthodox. It is an effing mess, like everything else in the studio, but, as I always like to tell myself, it is not finished. It is a work in progress.

After painting, I cooked a massive pot of pasta with corn and meat and, god, I don't know what and I ate it all. It was horrifying. But I was hungry.

After, I did another chapter of my book, Camille. I am up to Chapter 19 and have completed 100 pages so far. I thought I would give you a glimpse of chapter 18, although, since you have not read the rest of the book, this will make no sense. But voilà. I don't always make a lot of sense. Making sense is utterly boring, in fact. Don't you agree?

So, here is chapter 18 of Camille. What do you think?

She could see a bright light straight ahead. All she had to do was get to it. But she was so very tired. Why was she so tired? She did not recall ever feeling so tired in her entire life. She was almost near the light though. It was so close she could almost reach out and grab it….

Suddenly, something ran across her face, a little creature. She slapped it away quick and hard. The force of her motion rudely jerked Camille awake. She opened her eyes feeling acutely panicked. What the heck was that? Was it a mouse? She saw a tiny creature scurrying away. It was not a mouse. It looked like a spider. That was bad but not as bad as if it had been a mouse. But in fact, where the heck wax she? Camille looked all around her confused. She recognized nothing around her.  Her eyes darted around the room wildly. She simply did not recognize anything around her and it was crazy, she felt like she was crazy.  She could see a light but now it was very dim and was further away, than it had been in her dream. A few feet at least. To touch it, she would have to get up. How could she accomplish that? There seemed to be a disconnect between her brain and her motor skills. She could not seem to get her body to do what her mind wanted it to do.

“Where am I?” she muttered. “Why isn’t anything making any sense?” Slowly, she drew herself into a sitting position. The blanket with which she had covered herself slid down her shoulders to her waist, revealing her naked breasts. The sight of herself so exposed was weirdly shocking. In her entire life she had never slept in the nude. She felt as though she had become undressed in front of a roomful of people against her will and it made her nakedness all the more jarring and uncomfortable. She grabbed the blanket again covering her nakedness as a sudden chill swept across her body.

“WT-?” she wondered aloud. “Where are my clothes? Where’s my cellphone? Wha--” She peered around the room, her eyes slowly taking in her surroundings. It was a very strange place, a place filled with all sorts of weird objects and things she didn’t even know what they were.  Clearly she was not at home. Was she still dreaming? No. This was not a dream. It was a nightmare but she was fully awake. She vaguely remembered entering the room with a man but it was a blurry memory. Very fuzzy with no clear details. Where was she? Why wasn’t she wearing any pajamas? She did not remember a time that she ever went to sleep without pajamas.

A familiar stirring in her groin indicated that she needed to urinate. Indeed, it was more than familiar, it was a serious and strong urge. Furthermore…was she wet? Did she….had she….. peed on herself?

 Camille tossed the blanket all the way to ankles to look at the sheets beneath her. Horrified, she realized that she had indeed peed on herself. There was a big, wet stain on the white sheet. A wave of mortification swept over her. A great sense of shame. She knew she had to get up and do something about the urge to urinate as well as the wet sheets. Somehow, she managed to get on her feet. She stood up slowly taking in every detail of the room.  There was that light, first of all. It was the most beautiful yellow light she had ever seen and it was beaming through the ceiling. She walked over to it. What a glorious thing it was. She discovered that there was a glass ceiling that opened the room to the outside world, and it was letting in all this light. She could see the sky was a bright, clear blue color and that the sun which was directly overhead was shining brightly in all of its yellow splendor.

“Midday,” she muttered. “It must be midday. The sun is highest at midday.”

But what day was it?  Where did she need to be?

She was still under the sun roof letting the sun bathe her in its brilliant light. And then it dawned on her.  She probably ought to be at the law firm, on Place Vendome. She was sure she had an appointment today with the lawyers, to teach them English. But what day was it? She placed her face into both her hands and pressed hard. “Clarity, Camille. Get clarity! Fast!”

And then she started to remember. She had just finished having lunch with…with….with Edouard Laguerre. Her student and his wife. He was going to show her the atelier to see if she wanted to rent it and so they had gotten into the car and then, everything went black. What happened to Edouard? Where did he go? He had been here. She remembered him being here and then…

“Edouard.” she said, walking towards the giant door straight ahead.

“Edouard Leguerre. I was with him. The last thing I remember. I was with him and his wife and then…everything went black.”

“Edouard? Are you here? Hello?” She banged on the big, black door. All the while looking around to see if she could see any windows, a way out. There were none.

“Somebody please? Hello? Is anybody there? Edouard?”

“He’s not here,” she whispered to herself. “What the hell… He left me here without clothes? In this place. This place….this is the atelier? He thought I would rent?”

“EDOUARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!” she screamed. She banged futilely on the door to no avail. No one could hear her from where she was. She was completely isolated.

Camille continued to call out Edouard’s name for several minutes, nearly a half hour in fact, till she was hoarse then when she was completely voiceless she fell to the floor in a crumpled ball, exhausted and sobbing.

When her sobbing had subsided, she realized that she was extremely hungry and that she still had a strong urge to pee. She was also thirsty, tired, weak and cold. She had to do something about all those things. But where should she start?  She needed her bearings first of all, to figure out where everything was. She needed some clothes and to take a bath. She needed to pee. Where could she find the toilet? From where she was on the floor in the middle of the disorder and debris, she could see an archway that seemed to lead to someplace important. She got up to investigate it. She felt dizzy, as if she would faint. But she knew that she had to be strong. She could not faint. She had to do what she needed to do so she clenched her teeth and moved forward.

The archway led to a room that looked positively medieval. That was the best way she could describe it. It looked ancient; like something out of another time. There was a big oven in there, or was it a fireplace or was it a place to cook? It was blackened and looked like it had been used for thousands of years to make thousands of fires.  In this same room, she noticed an old aluminum bath that might have been white in another life but was now filled with dirt, rust and paraphernalia. Next to it was a big plastic bottle could have been more than 30 years old. Was this detergent?

There was an old wooden chair in this room, no two. And a big wooden barrel. Camille walked further into the room and found that it led to a door which was encased between two small windows, too high up for Camille to open and too small for her to go through even if she was so inclined to do so.

“What was this room?” she wondered. An old sign on it said “Defense d’entrer.” She grabbed the doorknob and turned it. She pushed on it as hard as she could. Nothing budged. A key was definitely needed to enter but how would she ever find this key?

            Next to this room was another door. She tried to push on it and it flew open revealing a toilet. “OMG! Does this work?!” she cried excitedly, moving towards it and pulling the long chain with a wooden handle at the end to flush. Water bubbled up and disappeared when she did that. It was a working toilet! She could pee! And pee she did; for what seemed like ten minutes straight without stopping. She felt some discomfort, a soreness that was unusual. When she was done, she looked around for tissue paper to take care of her hygiene; but there was none. There was a sink however, filthy as ever but operational, and this permitted her to wash her hands but she had no towel to dry them with.

Just as she was exiting the room, she saw a big brown box and three giant orange papers bags from the Bon Marche in the corner. Had she not used the toilet, she never would have seen them but what was striking about them was the fact that they looked so new and unrumpled, as though they had recently been laid there, as opposed to everything else around which looked like they had been there since 1632. “That’s weird,” she thought, walking towards the packages. “What are these things and who put them there and when?”

She was literally shaking as she approached the spot where the bags and box laid.

Without touching anything, she peered inside the bags. There was a white sheet of paper on top of each though she could see that in one bag, there was fabric and in the other bag it looked like there were items to eat. The third bag was harder to distinguish under the paper. The box was an unmarked brown package tied up with string with a label that said “Camilla.”


Her name was CAMILLE, not Camilla. Was this for her?

It was easy to decide which bag to unpack first. She was so hungry, so weak really from lack of food that the question of starting with any other bag than the one that seemed to contain food was unthinkable. She plopped down onto the floor and instead of removing the items one by one, abruptly emptied all the contents on the floor. Out tumbled a bunch of bananas, a bunch of grapes, a box of tea bags, several cans of beans, sliced bread wrapped up in a plastic sack, a box of cereal, a bottle of instant coffee, a bottle of apple juice, several cans of sardines and several bottles of Evian water. There were also strawberries, a melon, some lettuce, a bunch of ruby red tomatoes and cheese. She did not stop to analyze any of it. Camille began to gorge herself, hungrily devouring the bunch of bananas first of all, then the grapes, then the strawberries. Then she ripped open the bag with the bread and opened one of the cans of sardines. Using her fingers, she extracted the contents from the can of sardines and placed it on several slices of bread, drizzling the oil from the can on top. She was able to make about six sardine sandwiches with this and she swallowed them all in rapid succession. Then she unscrewed the apple juice and downed it all in a few gulps.

She wouldn’t have stopped, except that almost immediately, she felt a pain in her stomach, and an unbearable sense of nausea  welled up all the way to her throat. She was going to throw up. She knew she had to get to the toilet but she could not get up so instead, she dragged herself to the bowl, barely making it and hanging her face over the seat just as all the contents of her meal ejected violently from her stomach. She retched for quite some time and when she was done, she had become so weak and dizzy she could not stand up to wash her hands and face. She dragged herself back to the starting point, and laid there for a while. How long she remained in this position is unclear but some time later, she stirred again and realized she was feeling a little bit stronger. As she did not have a watch or clock, she had no way of knowing what day it was or what time it was. But the light of the sun, much dimmer than when she had first woken up, indicated that it was still daytime. 

“Oh my God,” she muttered, feeling a rising sense of panic. “Am gonna die!”

She knew that as badly as she felt, it was not the time to indulge herself in self-pity. She had to be strong. Something had happened to her and she had been placed into a situation that she had never in her wildest nightmares imagined possible. And if she was going to survive she had to be strong and she had to let her mind and not her body dominate her actions. She was flat on her stomach with her face touching the floor at this point and she lifted her head and looked at the spilled food and the rest of the bags and the box that had yet to be opened. She had to find the strength to open them and to see what was in them. But her head was pounding. It felt that at any moment, she might succumb to a stroke.

With every ounce of strength that she possessed, she dragged herself up to a standing position and walked to the sink where she washed her hands and face. Feeling a bit more refreshed, she returned to inspect the rest of the bags. She got herself into a sitting position. The floor was hard and uncomfortable under her naked bottom and she felt a bit cold due to her unclothed torso, but this was no matter. She had to find out what was in the other bags and box. Maybe this would give her some clue about how she could get herself out of this situation.

 She decided to start with the bag closest to her left hand. She removed the paper first, laying it aside next to the one that had been in the grocery sack. This time she did not spill the contents but removed them one by one. It was an interesting haul. There was a new white bath-towel, a white wash cloth, a bottle of liquid soap, a tube of toothpaste, a packet of toothbrushes, deodorant, toilet paper, a sack of razors, a hair brush, and a crisp white bathrobe with the name Camilla printed on the left.

Camilla again. Who was Camilla? Her name was not Camilla. It was CAMILLE. Why did he keep calling her Camilla when he knew that her name was Camille? She knew then that it had to be him, Edouard, who had left those things for her. She was not so delusional that she thought it had been a fairy godmother. But Edouard knew her name was Camille. She actually hated being called Camilla. Why did he keep doing that?

The third bag contained a clock, cleaning detergent, a copper pot, two plates, two wine glasses, two tea cups, matches, a scissor, a cutting knife, candles, lighter fluid, paper towels, two dinner knives, two spoons and two forks.

 “WT-!” she muttered, not quite knowing what to make of it all. “I wonder what is in the box?”

She realized that she would need a scissor to open the box and she was glad that he had packed a scissor in the bag. She took the scissor from the pile of things she had removed from the bag a few moments before and cut the string from the box. It opened to reveal straw on top which she had to remove. Upon removing the straw, she discovered that under the straw was a sexy, lacy black brassiere with matching panties and a bottle of Guerlain perfume. Finally, there was a copy of the New York Times dated July 27 2013.

            “WT-,” she muttered again.

There was a large white envelope embossed in gold relief in the box. She removed the envelope, frantically ripping it open. What had he said in it?

Dear Camilla,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and that you are feeling better than you did on Monday. As you can see, I have provided you with a clock so that you can keep track of the time. The next time I visit will be Friday at 6 P.M. This gives you a lot of time to prepare. You are to thoroughly clean the atelier, dust, brush the floors (you will find a broom next to the bags I left you) and arrange the room in such a way that it is orderly and welcoming for me when I arrive.

You have all the things you need to make our first real meeting and conversation a success. I have left you, for example, a copy of the New York Times. I  have also left you with food, cleaning items and a robe. These things are just a token of my appreciation to you. There are many more things to receive if your behavior and comportment warrant it. And if your behavior and comportment do not warrant it, you will obviously lose a lot of privileges, including the receipt of items such as food, warm clothing and, even, the bed which, as you can see,  I had specially delivered for you with fresh sheets and pillows. If I were you, I would be very careful about following instructions and making sure that my behavior and comportment never anger Monsieur ou Madame.

 Also, finally, you are to take your bath no more than thirty minutes before I arrive. Everything should be clean and unsoiled.


Monsieur Laguerre

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Reading, plus my new fiction book, Camille

The weekend has been really lovely so far. Yesterday I had a couple of guests at the apartment to show off my artwork (they seemed genuinely impressed) and then later I went with a friend to the museum of modern art on Avenue President Wilson in the 16th District to take in some art.

Today, I am home, relaxing. I am having a cup of hot chocolate because it is grey and chilly today and I am sitting in my coffee chair (it is so snuggly and warm) reading a book called The Paris Wife which is written by Paula McLain about Ernest Hemingway's first wife Hadley Richardson.

Meanwhile, I am working on a few chapters of my own fiction book, Camille. Would you believe that I had forgotten about this book? I started it in 2013 and promptly forgot about it. On friday I decided to delete a lot of old emails and I stumbled across it and I could not believe how good it was. So I have decided to dust it off and continue writing? Between Friday and today, I have come up with 12 more pages, so I am up to 56 pages of this book.  It is so funny because it is all about an English teacher in Paris who gets herself entangled in a contretemps of sorts. I will give you the first page below:

It was 12 :05 p.m. and Camille Stanhope stifled a hunger-induced yawn. “Where is this guy?” she muttered impatiently. “I’m hungry.” Camille was in fact waiting for her next student who was running five minutes late. This was a new gig to teach English that she had been assigned to at a posh white shoe law firm on Place Vendome in Paris. All in all she had five attorneys on this gig and she had already seen three for the day. The next guy had a thirty minute module and there was a woman after him – a partner – also for thirty minutes.  After that she could leave. One more hour. It would not be a minute too soon since she was on the verge of collapsing from hunger.
“This all-fruit and veggie diet is for the birds,” she mumbled, getting up to pour herself some coffee in a white porcelain tea cup. “I need more carbs.” She plopped a fancy looking sugar cubes from Malawi into the cup, and stirred the mixture briskly with a silver teaspoon.”
“At least they are very civilized here,” she thought, “Even their spoons are expensive. I just wish they realized that air conditioning has been invented.” She took a gulp of the beverage. Just then there was a firm knock on the conference room door. Quickly gulping down the rest of the coffee, she patted her mouth dry.  “Come in,” she said in her most authoritative voice.
 The door opened and she was face to face with Edouard Lageurre.

I can tell you that I am not going to paint today. That is for sure. I painted a couple of things yesterday, including this tender piece called Love. I think this is one of my most favorite things I have painted so far because it is so simple, and so pure. And imperfect. I don't want to perfect this. I want it to stay just as is.

So for today,  I am going to add some henna to my hair and then I am going to sit here and write about Camille and Edouard. (This is not a love story) and maybe later I will go out for a brisk walk in the fresh air.

Friday, October 5, 2018

First Friday in October


What is a girl like me doing at home on a friday morning like this? I should be out working!!! Well, I am definitely underemployed at the moment but I would be lying if I said I didn't sort of like it in an illicit sort of way. No, I only don't like it at the end of the month when I have no money to  pay the landlord. But during the month? It is a perverse kind of bliss. I am free. I can do exactly as I want…while I pretend my husband is a billionaire who does not care that his wife is not bringing home the bacon since he does such a good job at it.

So, what am I doing exactly at this moment? Well, just got home. I had taken a short walk to the 14th arrondissement to get a new battery for a very old watch. I have had this watch for more than a decade.
It is a fake Gucci I picked up in Chinatown in New York literally 15 years ago. So the battery does not work and so it has been sitting in my stash for, like, ten years. So today I got fed up and decided to go get a battery. Then I came home and looked over my closet. It is a walk in closet. Literally, you walk into the flat and you are in my closet, aka, my walkway which doubles as an open-air receptacle for my clothes.

I love clothes. And jewelry. And stuff like that. I love to play dress up. I am a fashion addict. Did I mention that? More than painting, I think. I can't have too many clothes. Well, actually, I can. But I don't. These days, I think I do a better job at curating my wardrobe but that probably only is because I can't afford to do the kind of collateral damage clothes shopping I would normally be inclined to do, by virtue of the fact that I am an English teacher in Paris which basically means I am penniless and clothes is the last thing I can afford to splurge on when I can barely afford good proteins and vitamin supplements.

So, what else? Well, I am finishing up the multimedia pieces I embarked on the other day (you can see them ad nauseum on my Instagram page) because I need to put them up because a couple of my students will be here tomorrow to see my artwork and I have to give a good presentation. So I have been working feverishly to get these two pieces done.  I think they are both hot messes. But then again, I think that about all my stuff. So.

I guess it really does not matter all that much when you get right down to it.

And you? How is your life going? Are you as illicitly happy as you can be?

Ode to my little Flat in Vanves, France

So, I thought I would blog about my flat, my petite studio (it's really more like a room if you want to...