Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Sunny Day in Paris in February. Time for a Nice Walk!

A beautiful sunny day was our destiny today in Paris and boy, was I happy to be a part of it.

So, to treat myself for my good fortune of being in the right place at the right time, I took a long walk in the 6th district (one of the prettiest, in my opinion) and took loads of snapshots. Some of these places and images I have come to take for granted, I have to admit. I know I must never do that. No matter where I am. I must never take things for granted. Or people. I must always remember to take the time to appreciate the good things and the good people in my life.

Case in point, one former student took the time to let me know she had appreciated me in the past and it really just took my breath away.

About 4 or 5 years ago, I taught a class at University of Paris at Nanterre. It was a group of law students and to tell you the truth, I wrote that experience off as one of the biggest fails of my life. I did not even ask for a second year and they did not offer one either. I did not feel like I had made an impact and I think the fact that it was the first law class I ever taught since becoming a lawyer myself, was incredibly intimidating for me.

But would you believe that two years after leaving that post, I got an email from one of my students asking if I would write her a letter of recommendation. She wanted to go to America on a sort of study abroad. I was surprised to say the least, but I wrote the letter for her, and that was that, at least, so I thought.

Now, five years later, the kid sends me an email today! She is living in New York, is attending law school at Cardoza and will sit for the New York bar exam next year in 2020. And
she wanted to thank me for the letter I wrote for her.

Seriously??? I had even the smallest thing to do with that??? Really???

I'm just in total shock.

Something I thought was such a fail, five years later, is reverberating in a positive way.

I guess the lesson is: don't take anything or anyone for granted. Cause you just never know.

So, yea. There is that. And then it was so pretty today in Paris. You can actually feel that Spring is near.

I had the morning free and so I took advantage to profit from my good fortune of being in a place like this at a time like this. Below you can find some of my pictures I took along the way.

Have a nice day yourself :)

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