Sunday, February 24, 2019

The "Salon d'Agriculture" at Porte de Versailles in Paris

Wow. I am humbled. I went to the Salon d'Agriculture today for the first time during my 8 year stay in France and it was just daggone incredible.

I've just never seen anything like it! I could not keep up. These Frenchboys (and gals) really know how to put on a show when they put their mind to it. OMG. It was dizzying. I was like, OMG!!! I could not keep up! I thought I would faint, actually, it was so overwhelming as far as the sheer magnitude of the place and the activities and things to see, eat and do. My goodness!

I waited eight years to do this. It had always been on my to do list, but never at the very top. It should have been.  It was that good. If you ever visit Paris in February, you need to go check out the Salon d'Agriculture; Actually, I would say it is enough that if that is all you see in Paris during a visit in February, you will get your money's worth.

What else can I say about this? Nothing really. It was amazing. AMAZING. Seriously. AMAZING. A must see.

Below, find sole of the photos I took:

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