Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Beautiful Sunset from the Rooftop of Galleries Lafayette

Have you ever been to the rooftop of the Galleries Lafayette? If not, you absolutely have to go. It is a spectacular view on just about all of Paris, including the Eiffel Tower which looks almost toy-like in the distance.

I had a few hours in between my appointments this afternoon and thought I would go there to window-shop the sales. At this time of the year there are these enormous sales in all the stores in Paris and the grand magasins like Galleries Lafayette and Printemps are no different.

Of the two grand magasins, I have to say I prefer Galleries Lafayette to Printemps. I feel more at home in Galleries Lafayette. Printemps seems a lot more...removed, for lack of a better word. So I go to the Galleries all the time, or I should say from time to time. But I have never gone to the rooftop.

What an incredible, breathtaking sunset there was tonight! Unbelievable. I was taken aback because in Paris, I am hardly ever so lucky as to view a sunset. From my flat, I do get the morning sun, not the sunrise necessarily but morning sun. I do not get the sunset. So I can't tell the last time I saw the sunset. So to see it from the rooftop of the Galleries Lafayette was definitely quite a treat.

Unfortunately, my phone did not cooperate so I did not get to photograph a lot of the things I wanted to photograph in the store. It means I will have to return soon, as I think this is worth its own photo shoot and blog post. I think the equivalent in New York of Galleries Lafayette is probably Saks Fifth Avenue but the former is a lot more expansive, I think. It has several restaurants and cafes inside, for one thing and I don't remember Saks having so many dining options. But I would say both stores are on par. As for the prices, even with the 60 percent off? I was humbled. I was completely humbled.  I did not find a single thing that suited my budget. Luckily for me, I also did not see anything that I wanted. So I didn't have to eat my heart out. :)

But yea. I do recommend it as an excursion if you are in Paris and if you go, you definitely must go up to the roof.  It's a must see.

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